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Live Bottom Bins

Live Bottom Bins

The Vibra Screw Live Bottom Bin is a self contained, preassembled, ready-to-operate unit combining a static cylindrical bib and a bin discharger of the same diameter. It is designed to provide discharge of a wide variety of materials from storage into process, on a first-in, first-out basis.

Particularly suited to applications where segregation is a problem, units will handle everything from fibrous and flaky materials with bulk densities ranging from 5 to more than 200 lbs/ft3.

Vibra Screw Live Bottom Bins eliminate bridging and condition materials to constant bulk density for more consistent downstream feeding.

Two Basic Models and a Variety of Sizes

  • 3 to 15 ft3 capacity, 5 sizes. bulk density to 60 lb/ft3
  • 25 to 750 ft3, a wide choice of sizes, bulk density in excess of 200 lb/ft3
  • Special designs to 1200 ft3 available.

Standard designs of the smaller Live Bottom Bin incorporates a 20 to 30 inch diameter bin and Bin Discharger.

Suspension rods with vibration isolators attach the two sections, affording complete freedom of movement for the Bin Discharger without affecting the static bin. A reinforced flexible sleeve closes the connection. Vibrations are of high frequency, but low amplitude, and operation of the unit is virtually noiseless.

The 25 to 750 ft3 capacity units are similar to the smaller models but are designed for continuous, heavy-duty service. Forged suspension hangers can support in access of 80,000 pounds each.

Live Bottom Bins

Principle of Operation
The vibrating, or Bin Discharger, section of the Vibra Screw Live Bottom Bin incorporates an integral vibrating baffle, which promotes the flow of material from the upper regions of the static bin, and relieves head-load and compaction at the final outlet. This unique baffle eliminates all potential flow-stopping problems, such as bridging, ratholing,compaction, and agglomeration.

Material in the bin is kept constantly mobil as the vibrations from the baffle are transmitted upwards in all directions-the baffle acting like a wedge to enhance the horizontal impulses received from the gyratory assembly. The curvature of the baffle also encourages movement of the material to its periphery. The combination of the vibrating bin bottom and integral baffle assures mass flow.

Live Bottom Bins


Live Bottom Bins
17950E-SD 3 – 25 to 50 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/greased vibrator PDF DWG
17950D-SD 4 – 50 to 100 Live Bottom Bin, cfs, w/greased vibrator PDF DWG
17950-SD 5 – 100 to 200 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/greased vibrator PDF DWG
17950C-SD 6 – 200 to 300 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/greased vibrator PDF DWG
17994-SD 7 – 300 to 400 LIve Bottom Bin w/greased vibrator PDF DWG
17995-SD 8 – 400 to 750 LIve Bottom Bin w/greased vibrator PDF DWG
17988-SD 3 – 25 to 50 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/ 1 1/2K gyrator PDF DWG
17989-SD 4 – 50 to 100 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/ 3K gyrator PDF DWG
17990-SD 5 – 100 to 200 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/ 3K gyrator PDF DWG
17991-SD 6 – 200 to 300 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/ 6K gyrator PDF DWG
17992-SD 7 – 300 to 400 LIve Bottom Bin, cfs, w/ 6K gyrator PDF DWG
17993-SD 8 – 400 to 750 LIve Bottom Bin and 6K gyrator PDF DWG

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