Live Bins

Principle of Operation
High-frequency, low-amplitude vibrations are applied to the ENTIRE Live Bin in a horizontal plane, perpendicular to the bin centerline. The integral baffle, which is located in the lower portion of the bin directly above the final outlet, relieves the head load of the material in the bin above. The material is kept in a state of mobility which eliminates arching, bridging and other causes of spasmodic flow.
The Vibra Screw Live Bin is a fully assembles, self-contained, ready-to-operate unit incorporating a vibrated cone bottom and integral baffle. The entire bin and its contents are subjected to controlled vibration generated by a Vibra Screw Gyrator.
Vibration conditions the material to a uniform bulk density, eliminating arching, bridging and ratholing and preventing material from jamming or compacting at the outlet.
The Live Bin is designed to provide positive discharge of micron-sized to fibrous and flaky materials on a first-in, first-out basis – assuring mass flow and eliminating material segregation.
Vibra Screw Live Bins may be operated on their own support legs, or can be hung from overhead steel – thus are readily adaptable for scale mounting. They may be used to discharge to any feeder or process line, or whatever a surge or storage bin is called for. They are also highly useful as batching, portable or weigh bins.
Because the design of the Live Bin does not require a flexible sleeve, it is especially suitable for sanitary applications. Overall rugged design and construction assures years of continuous, maintenance-free operation. The factory-assembled Live Bin is ready to incorporate into new or existing installations.
Two Models
Live Bins are available in two basic models in a variety of sizes. The smaller model provides capacities from 3 to 15 ft3 and the larger units, capacities from 25 to 100 ft3.
The smaller Live Bins, available in five sizes, incorporate 20 – 30 inch diameter bins. The larger available in four sizes -incorporate 36 to 60 inch diameter bins.

Case Histories
Product News
63 year old Vibra Screw Live Bin gets first replacement spare parts
During a recent conversation with one of our Massachusetts customers who was looking to add several new Vibra Screw feeders to their production line, they also inquired about parts for an old Vibra Screw bin. They sent photos of the bin and it turned out it was one of several Live Bins that were manufactured […]
Lime Handling System for Water Treatment
Lime is a manufactured product made from limestone (calcium carbonate) or dolomite (magnesium carbonate). The raw material is processed into quicklime and hydrated lime. Since it is alkaline, it is used to adjust the pH of both drinking water and wastewater. Getting ready to ship a small water treatment lime handling system. The storage bin […]
Live Bottom Bins Offer Mass Flow On Demand
Vibra Screw’s line of Live Bottom Bins provide a pre-packaged storage/discharge solution with capacities up to 1200 cubic ft. Equipped with a Bin Activator the same diameter as the bin, Live Bottom Bins produce level, mass flow on demand with virtually no residual material remaining. Live Bottom Bins are the perfect choice for food applications […]
New Vibrating Bins Brochure Now Available
Totowa, NJ: Vibra Screw, Inc., the industry leader in solids processing and solids handling solutions, now offers a free brochure describing its Vibrating Bins. These units are self contained, ready to operate hoppers designed to provide positive discharge of a variety of bulk materials. The full color piece includes photographs, machine specs and diagrams. Vibra […]
Hoppers Promote Positive Flow of Bulk Materials
Totowa, NJ: Vibra Screw Inc, a leader in solids processing and handling, offers a line of fully assembled, self contained, ready to operate vibrating hoppers that promote flow of any dry material. Capacities range from 3 to 100 cubic feet of storage. The Live Bin is designed to provide positive discharge of micron sized to […]